Things I like about blogging

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Things I like about blogging

So I haven't been in this blogging game for very long, but I'm already discovering a few things that I like about it:

It's self-perpetuating. I was worried when I started that I would quickly run out of things to write about. It's early days yet, but so far this hasn't happened. In fact, I have a bulging pile of posts and post ideas sitting there in my drafts folder waiting to be written and/or trickled out. The reason this seems to work is that writing begets writing. The more things I write about, the more ideas are generated in the process of writing that in turn also need writing. I realise this is not an original observation: "just getting on with it" is the classic prescription for overcoming writer's block, and is based on this same fact. An important caveat, though, at least as it has applied to me: it's important to keep the blog general. I have in the past attempted to start a couple of blogs that center around a particular issue or theme, but the constraint to write about a certain topic has acted as a brake on the blogging process, forcing me to discard ideas that didn't fit the mould. Writing about whatever you want may be a bit disconcerting to your readers (please accept my apologies) but it makes it pretty easy to find something to write about. My hope is that as I get more practiced at this (more "blogging fit"), I will be able to produce a more focused stream of work, but for now the most important thing to me is to keep things flowing.

It helps you realise what you're interested in. In a sense, it hasn't really suited my self-image to admit to being interested in economics; I think it was all those years of my father referring to it disdainfully as "the dismal science". Deep down though, I've probably always harboured a repressed feeling that economics is about how people function together as a society -- it's a force even stronger than politics -- and that therefore understanding economics is a basic form of social literace if you want to understand what's going on around you in the wider world. I've already written a couple of posts that are more-or-less about economics, and I have ideas for more. Writing about whatever you feel like (see above) exposes what you're really interested in. So, I've outed myself: I'm interested in economics. Blogging as self-discovery; perhaps I'll enroll in an economics course on Coursera (or at least browse Wikipedia on the topic less covertly).

It forces you to express things you may not otherwise have expressed in any way. When I wrote about how I felt about being back home, I was forced to really think about the ways in which I'd been affected by the experience. Until I wrote that, I'd never really teased apart the various feelings that living overseas, and then coming home, had aroused in me. Actually writing it down felt good, and helped me get a clearer picture of how I felt. Similarly, writing about being lazy helped me crystallise some thoughts that I've had for a while. More blogging as self-discovery.

Such is the article Things I like about blogging

That's an article Things I like about blogging this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. okay, see you in other article posting.

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