March 31, 2010 communication Glenda Propst professional nanny Thursday Table Talk: Great communication benefits everyone Great Communication Benefits Everyone by Glenda Propst Good relationships must have a foundation. Communication is the foundation of a good...
March 30, 2010 April fools the creative nanny wednesday Creative Nanny Wednesday: Tomorrow is April Fools Day! Creative Nanny Wednesday: by Glenda Propst Tomorrow is April Fools Day! The day you are actually expected to be silly! April Fools Joke My ...
March 29, 2010 Google Reader Spring Cleaning Tuesday Tips Zen Habits Tuesday Tips: Cleaning Out Your Inbox Cleaning Out Your Inbox by Alice Shaffer For the past few weeks, we have been sharing Spring Cleaning tips. Have you ever considered spring ...
March 29, 2010 CincyNanny Heather Mckinley INA conference scholarship Monday Moxie: Presenting the INA Scholarship Recipient The Regarding Nannies Development Team wants to thank those of you who submitted an essay for the INA Conference Scholarship. This was a har...
March 28, 2010 coming up next week scholarship Weekend Round Up Week End Round UP Monday Moxie : Great article about how nannies around the country are giving back to their community. Tuesday Tips : Kris Kanoski gave us a ...
March 26, 2010 Alice Shaffer Financial Friday opportunity costs professional nanny Financial Friday: Wasted Time & Wasted Money Or Is It? Wasted Time & Wasted Money Or Is It? by Alice Shaffer I was looking for a topic for this week's Financial Friday and was talking to...
March 25, 2010 INA conference INA Credential Exam Newborn Care Specialist Table Talk Thursday Thursday Table Talk: Thursday Additional Workshops at the INA Conference Thursday Additional Workshops at the INA Conference By: Alice Shaffer The 25th Annual INA Conference is less than two months away! If you ...
March 24, 2010 Creative Nanny family fun passover treasure hunt Creative Nanny Wednesday:Treasure Hunt for the Afikomen For great ideas for any occasion you can't beat Family Fun Magazine . Today on the Creative Nanny see their idea for the Afikomen Treasu...
March 23, 2010 Kristen Kanoski Spring Cleaning Tuesday Tips Tuesday Tips: Spring Cleaning Checklist Spring Cleaning Checklist by Kristen Kanoski Spring is officially here! Your house and surroundings need some spring cleaning as well! Her...
March 22, 2010 Andrea Flagg Greta Schraer nanny support groups Nannies Give Back to Local and National Charities Andrea Flagg of Nanny Alliance of NY & NJ has brought together Nanny Support Group Leaders from across the country and created Nanny ...
March 19, 2010 Weekend Round Up Week End Round Up Here's the weekend Round Up in case you missed anything this week. Monday Moxie: Nitty Gritty Interview Questions Tuesday Tips: Paper P...
March 19, 2010 coupons financial blogs Financial Friday Financial Friday: 100 Ads/Circulars! 100 Ads/Circulars! by Alice Shaffer I found myself researching and reading various personal finance blogs (there are 100s) and I ran acros...
March 18, 2010 Alice Shaffer Becky Kavanagh Glenda Propst INA conference Kellie Geres Nannies from the Heartland Table Talk Thursday The Financial Nanny Spotlight on......Individual Nanny Coaching At The INA Conference Individual Nanny Coaching At The INA Conference by Alice Shaffer Have you ever just wanted 15 minutes with one of the professional nannies y...
March 16, 2010 chick spring crafts the creative nanny wednesday Creative Nanny Wednesday: My Favorite Spring Craft My Favorite Spring Craft by Glenda Propst Even as a pre school teacher, I always enjoyed this simple craft activity. It never ceased to amaz...
March 16, 2010 Kristen Kanoski organizing Tuesday Tips Tuesday Tips: Organizing Your Bills & Paperwork Tuesday Tips: Organizing Bills & Paperwork by Kristen Kanoski Filing bills and papers can be an overwhelming task. If you have the righ...
March 14, 2010 National Association of Nannies Nitty Gritty Interview Questions professional nanny Nitty Gritty Interview Questions: Glenda Propst A few years ago, the now defunct National Association of Nannies put together a guidebook for their members called "The Job Issue"...
March 14, 2010 creative assisant INA INA conference Nanny Gael Ann professional nanny Weekend Round Up March 8-12 Just in case you missed something this week on Regarding Nannies: Here are the links to this weeks posts. Monday Moxie : Regarding Nannies l...
March 12, 2010 Chase Bank Hustler Money Blog INA conference Maximizing Money Blog nanny retreat Nannypalooza Financial Friday: Getting $125 for $100 Investment Getting $125 for $100 Investment! by Alice Shaffer As I was reading my financial blogs this week, I noticed several of them were discussing ...
March 11, 2010 INA conference Lila Reyna Table Talk Thursday Spotlight on ... Lila Reyna, INA Conference Featured Speaker The Myth of “Stranger Danger” If you ask your child to describe the face of a “stranger” or “assailant,” chances are they will mentally sket...
March 09, 2010 bunny creative assisant easter Nanny Gael Ann spring crafts the creative nanny wednesday Spring Sock Bunnies by Nanny Gael Ann and her "creative assistant" Spring Sock Bunny by Nanny Gael Ann and her "creative assistant" The minute I saw this idea in the March issue of Family Fun magaz...
March 09, 2010 Google Reader Tuesday Tips Tuesday Tips: How To Use Google Reader How To Use Google Reader by Sherri Eddleblute Google Reader is a FREE Google service that allows you to keep and track your blog subscripti...
March 08, 2010 INA conference Monday Moxie scholarship Monday Moxie: Win a Conference Scholarship to the INA Conference by Regarding Nannies Yes or No? Can you imagine spending 3 days with other professionals who actually understand your job and can offer you support advice and gr...
March 06, 2010 INA Michigan Professional Nanny Association Shiny Shamrock Weekend Round Up Weekend Round Up This week on Regarding Nannies we had Monday Moxie : Where we told you about the launch of INA's Service Award Pin program. Tuesday Tips...
March 05, 2010 discounts Financial Friday INA conference Financial Friday: All the details for the 25th Annual INA Conference! Make sure you go to The Financial Nanny and read all about some of the great discounts and deals you have for the 25th Annual INA Conference...
March 04, 2010 Coyote Visions Donna Shannon INA conference Table Talk Thursday Spotlight on ... Donna Shannon / Coyote Visions Donna Shannon of Coyote Visions is a featured speaker at the upcoming 25th Annual INA Conference . Ms. Shannon shares with us some insight o...
March 02, 2010 creative assisant Nanny Gael Ann the creative nanny wednesday St. Patricks Day Shiny Shamrock by Nanny Gael Ann and her creative assistant. St. Patrick's Day Shamrock Looking for a fun way to decorate for St. Patrick's Day? Just grab your little leprechaun(s) and paint a ...
March 01, 2010 Dr. Suess nanny taxes professional nanny Tuesday Tips: The Best Dr. Suess Books Today would have been the 106th birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel. We knew and loved him simply as Dr. Suess and his books have been a standa...